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False Positives Adventures in Technology, SciFi and Culture from Toronto

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Toronto's High Park Ski Club's FITS (Fun in the Sun) Night is April 22 (2004)

HPSC's Annual Fun in the Summer ("FITS") Night, is being held on Thursday, April 22, 2004, at the Lithuanian Hall, 1573 Bloor St. West (2 blocks east of Keele St.; between Keele and Dundas Street West subway stations. Doors open at 7:00 pm and close at approximately 11:00 pm.

During those hours you will be exposed to a wide variety of summer activity clubs, associations and retailers in the Greater Toronto area. These organizations have been invited to exhibit and promote their summer activities and services to you and your friends. Last year this event was sold out with over 25 exhibitors.


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