One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, BarCode Fish...
(with apologies to Dr. Seuss) from Daily Yomiuri On-Line, via GadgetMadness, word about a Fish bar code system under development to enable consumers to receive detailed information (with thier cellphone) about fish at retail stores, including where and when the fish was caught and by whom.
Already Grocery stores in Japan have been using 2d barcodes for linking consumers with product information for a while now using QRCodes (two-dimension quick response code).
BoingBoing also recently noted: In Japan the QRCode is becoming wildly popular, for everyone with a celphone has a camera that can read these 2D barcodes and inst-o-magically input pre-formatted emails, contacts, URLs and even random text. and links to a QRCode Generator
I've bloged about Camera-phone barcode reader before: here and here and SemaCode, a URL barcode.
Update: and Gizmode gets in the act and talks about buying a Coke (pop) via Cellphone using (what else) a barcode.
Categorized under: Cameraphone/QRCode/Tech
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