- May 15th:
at Smashing Magazine comes a revisit of _why: Tale of a Post-Modern Genius, the sad tale of “Why the Lucky Stiff”, who made many vibrant and colourful contributions to the community, before deleting his online existence last August. The article is a great review of the whole arc and some useful links. He is missed, and I hope he is doing better. - May 18th
Understanding node.js is helping me understand the activity that’s happening in the Node.js space. This could be very very big. Javascript has become very important in the last couple of years and this is the biggest push I’ve seen for Javascript on the server. With this JavaScript has become a first class Dynamic scripting languages up there with Ruby and Python. - May 17 to 19th:
Most of the week was occupied by MESH and MESH U,which is a Toronto based conference which looks at “The Web” and how it is affecting the media, marketing, business and society as a whole. Mesh is in its 5th year and Mesh U (which is a more focused one for the on design, development and management people who are building that “Web”) is in it’s second year.I moved the details on to a seprate post : Mesh10 : five years of Meshing in Toronto
- May 18th
Via IE6 must die, Microsoft claims IE6 similar to old milk Microsoft stated, “You would not drink nine-year-old milk, so why use a nine-year-old browser?”
- May 19th
Very happy to hear that Cory Doctorow and Charles Stross are teaming up for a follow up to their “Jury Service” and “Appeals Court” stories and will be working on “Rapture of the Nerds”. Yeah!!