Web Developer Toolbar for Firefox & Mozilla
Via ammai.com we have the Web Developer Toolbar. Lots of handy things there, althought most of these I’ve seen done in Favlet’s or Bookmarklets.
Ian Irving's Code and Culture from Toronto
Via ammai.com we have the Web Developer Toolbar. Lots of handy things there, althought most of these I’ve seen done in Favlet’s or Bookmarklets.
edhand.com: Java Example #1: Struts with Hibernate Java Example
VentureBlog: Practical Networking: Make Your Own Luck
Via Slashdork Former FCC Chief Touts “Big Broadband” : Here or on Interesting-People : access to the Web at 10 to 100 megabits per second..run telephone (VOIP) and HDTV over it….Big Broadband provides universal service…customers would still have to pay Continue reading "Big Broadband"
Via Emergic the NYTIMES asks E-Commerce Report: New Source of Online Ad Revenue: “Can small businesses be persuaded to pay for online advertising even if they do not sell their products or services on the Web?” …25 percent of their Continue reading Local Ad Revenue
Om Malik on Broadband: A Chip That Changes Everything?