Sam Bulte : What’s That Smell and is it Cause or Effect

More followup on Sarmite Bulte : Is Canadian CopyRight for Sale?.

Michael Geist asks “Cause or Effect“, and wonders about her inability to comprehend why so many Canadians are troubled by her January 19th fundraiser and her history of accepting copyright-backed cash while simultaneously playing a leading role on Canadian copyright policy.

On Boing Boing we have : Hollywood’s Canadian politician: history of a sellout , where in to is easy to concludes that while the Member of Parliament claims that funding doesn’t influence her politicking, it wasn’t until the campaign contributions began to roll in that she took any interest in copyright law.

And Joey has Today’s Two Minutes Hate for Sam Bulte, with a couple of modified Sam Bulte graphics for you use.

More links at p2pnet, and on we have The Bulte Scandal: A “Transparent” Conflict of Interest.

I’ll be at the “All Candidates debate” planned for Wednesday, January 11 at 7:30pm – Bloor West Village Residents’ Association, Runnymede United Church (432 Runnymede Road, just north of Ardagh ,south of Annette). Too See and Hear, and hopefully ask a question (working on that) or 3.

Update : and this from Liberal fundraiser stirs up copyright controversy:Critics say a dinner hosted by MP Sam Bulte but sponsored by CRIA and others could spark an unhealthy trend in lobbying. Experts discuss the conflict of interest issues. Plus: Bulte’s side of the story

Bulte said that she is prepared to debate Geist on copyright issues in a public forum. When asked, Geist said, “I would love that. I would welcome the opportunity.”

That I’d like to see, and Jan 19th would be perfect!

Update: Joey is on a roll and has a press release from another voice in the debate, the artistic creators that Mrs. Bulte claims to support, in Indie Musicians Against Sam Bulte, plus a revised graphic for “
The CopyRight Candidate Sam Bulte

And has a Jan 9 press release to protest the shameless sell out of a Canadian politician and potential Minister of Canadian Heritage to multi-national corporations’ lobbying interests in extremist copyright laws.

Brent Lambs advices: Run Away! Run Away!, although I like his suggetion of Steve Paikin as the next Prime Minister of Canada!

6 Replies to “Sam Bulte : What’s That Smell and is it Cause or Effect”

  1. Pingback: Creative Conviction » Blog Archive » Strategic voting in Parkdale-High Park?

  2. Pingback: False Positives » Election Night in Canada : Parkdale / High Park All Candidates debate

  3. A parable… that is all.

    The setting:
    We (the constituents) are the wife.
    Sarmite is the loving husband.

    On his way to work, hubbie is often seen driving in the vicinity of a whorehouse. Never is his car parked in front. However nor is the whorehouse really conveniently on his way to work. There is no proof that hubbie is doing the horizontal hoola with a paid partner but it kinda smells (love that metaphor).

    In a different tack, my dear hubbie is very very sexually demanding. Sometimes a bit much for me. Even though the whorehouse is close to his route to work, he really shouldn’t drive down that street (ie – it wouldn’t be politic). A. It might cause me to be suspicious (affecting other aspects of our relationship) and B. He might be tempted by the treats on display.

    These are parables. Metaphors that can be used to gain perspective on the human condition. That is all.

    Leopold Bratislav

  4. You have a great blog coming along here. I stumbled across your blog and your post really cuaght my attention. I’ll be sure to come back and keep on reading. Keep up the good work!

  5. Pingback: False Positives » Blog Archive » Election Night in Canada : Celebrating CopyRight Bulte!