Computed and Structured Dblookup in Keyword Formulas to reduce simple mistakes.

Kevin Pettitt aka Lotus Guru has written up a SnTT note on “Standardized and Simple-to-Use Keyword Formulas” where the structured dblookup is computed for you to use in your code. A nice application of the structured dblookup. Given that all Continue reading Computed and Structured Dblookup in Keyword Formulas to reduce simple mistakes.

Falsepositves as a TagGraphTree, add yours..

Falsepositves as a TagTreeGraph as per (WebSites as Tag Tree Graph) (href link remove due to suspected malware )  , tagged under TagTreeGraph now on Flickr under websitesasgraphs (66 and counting). Add your own via (href link remove Continue reading Falsepositves as a TagGraphTree, add yours..