10 years of False Positives
Oh My!
This marks the 10th Anniversary of False Positives. first post on April 1st back in 2003 on BlogSpot (before moving to Wordpress in August of 2005 )
Ian Irving's Code and Culture from Toronto
Oh My!
This marks the 10th Anniversary of False Positives. first post on April 1st back in 2003 on BlogSpot (before moving to Wordpress in August of 2005 )
Git is an important part of the modern developers toolkit, It’s part of how things get done in 2013. Git is a Distributed Version Code System (DVCS) Continue reading The developer stack in 2013: Git, Version Control for the world as it is.
This last February ET and I took another trip to Japan, our previous one having been “only” in September 2010. ( see Kyoto; Kobe; Hakone and Tokyo from 2010). This time the focus was skiing with JK, and Tokyo! After Continue reading A 2013 Trip to Japan