Husband’s and Son’s everywhere vindicatedVideo gam…
Husband’s and Son’s everywhere vindicated Video games more than just fun. Excuse while I improve my visual and motor skills, while conducting User Interface testing, Dear…
Ian Irving's Code and Culture from Toronto
Husband’s and Son’s everywhere vindicated Video games more than just fun. Excuse while I improve my visual and motor skills, while conducting User Interface testing, Dear…
Rocky Oliver, big time Lotus Notes Pointy Head at a (dead) company call Synergetics, and sales force automation product (Prevail), has started up a Blog called LotusGeek. Welcome Rocky!
Pictures at Eleven! Bought a new toy serious business tool, Palm Zire 71, the one with the built in camera (low-res). Here’s a view of our backyard flowers (larger image if you “show picture”).
the things you find on the net browsing for something else I can across this (something I know about) and a familar name from before (and during) boom blow up
More unwanted advise, for free! 12 Recommendations for the New CS Graduate. also sound words for those of us employed, and under-employed.
new and practical phrases for me to learn How to swear, insult, cuss and curse in Cantonese!. Many of which I don’t know.