SnTT : LotusScript Required Field Validation without pain

Updated : Revisited with 300% less Pain! and much better code. I’m missed the last couple of weeks but I’m back for another Show-n-Tell+Thursday, and doing a followup on my first post Building a better “Save & Exit” action button Continue reading SnTT : LotusScript Required Field Validation without pain

Finding out if the current user has a given role, in Lotus Script

Yet another Another Show-n-Tell+Thursday. Please note some small corrections to last weeks examples (DBlookup’s to leverage the Name and Address book). Oh the dangers of coding when tried. Now for this weeks mistake in progress tip: In Formula language, when Continue reading Finding out if the current user has a given role, in Lotus Script

Using the Lotus DBlookup to better Leverage the Name and Address book

Another Show-n-Tell+Thursday, more code…. In last weeks adventure our narrator talked about Structured DBlookup’s in Lotus Notes (note: there was a mistake in the example, now fixed), and as promised I am going to talk about how to leverage that Continue reading Using the Lotus DBlookup to better Leverage the Name and Address book