Toronto DemoCamp 26, still going strong with noodles, Lean Marketing and 5 Demos.

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Last night was the 26th DemoCamp in Toronto, and the 3rd held at Ryerson University’s Ted Rogers School of Management with a crowd of ~300 or so. We had a Key Note by April Dunford and Demos by Kobo Books,, OpenApps, TeamSave, SWIX. and food. kick ass!! Continue reading Toronto DemoCamp 26, still going strong with noodles, Lean Marketing and 5 Demos.

different behavior for Prototype JavaScript childElements() in FF and IE

Or now to lose the rest of one’s limited hair  :(  …. I’ve come across a “doesn’t work as expect” issue while working in Prototype JavaScript framework (“Easy Ajax and DOM manipulation for dynamic web applications” for sure!) 1$(‘someIdName’).parentNode.childElements() Continue reading different behavior for Prototype JavaScript childElements() in FF and IE

a GreaseMonkey script for Follow Rank and Follows in Common for Twitter User Profiles

I’ve released a GreaseMonkey script Follow Rank and Follows in Common for Twitter User Profiles which you can use to display the Follows in Common and the Follow Rank for a given users profile page and discover how important they Continue reading a GreaseMonkey script for Follow Rank and Follows in Common for Twitter User Profiles