Love your Job
Via Links Miniblog, Did you ever have one of those days….(and I fxied up how it was displaying) Tags: humour ; Technorati Tags: humour
Ian Irving's Code and Culture from Toronto
Via Links Miniblog, Did you ever have one of those days….(and I fxied up how it was displaying) Tags: humour ; Technorati Tags: humour
Via Waxy, spoted on Flickr, London Tube logo reworked as protest image : Update : the “You Missed Me” London Underground Roundel image was pulled from Flickr (related to the IP issues mentioned on the London Stands blog? ) but Continue reading London Calling
DataSpill: the kind of word I would expect security guru Bruce Schneier to use. DataSpill is the Digital equivalent of an oil spill, when a company springs a leak and spews confidential consumer or corporate information out in to the Continue reading Found Words: DataSpill
Me2Me : a variation on P2P (Person to Person) file sharing. Me2Me (Me-to-Me) is sharing Media and Data on different devices for use by me. Example : Listening to a CD track on my stereo, then converting it to MP3 Continue reading Found Words: Me2Me
the acronym “BANANA” (like the fruit) stands for “Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anybody” which appears to be the universial version of “NIMBY” (“Not In My Back Yard”). BANANA’s would be the most extreme anti-growth or anti-X activists, in that Continue reading Found Words: BANANA
Another cool Google Maps hack : Gmaps Pedometer, which can be used to record distances traveled during a running or walking workout. Via Darren Barefoot with examples. I wonder how hard it would be to complie walking tours with something Continue reading Gmaps Pedometer