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GeoURL (2.0) and Added to the Sidebar….
Ian Irving's Code and Culture from Toronto
GeoURL (2.0) and Added to the Sidebar….
As reported by Michael Geist, webcast video from the Sixth Annual TIP Conference:”Sound Bytes, Sound Rights: Canada at the Crossroads of Copyright Law” is now online (realpalyer .RAM format). Much more info on Boing Boing and previously here. Time to Continue reading TIP Copyright Conference Talk Now Online
EE Times profiles Seaway Networks which Using intelligent packet preprocessing and hardware matching, Seaway’s Trident NCA2000-L7P adapter card scans for familiar byte patterns that signal the presence of a worm or virus on the prowl. The card can scan for Continue reading Startup digs out network worms
I’ve added a Blogroll (definition: a collection of links to other weblogs That I follow/steal from) via Bloglines (lower right) and a way to export my public Blogroll with OPML (Outline Processor Markup Language) via Bloglines (upper right), plus a Continue reading now with Blogroll and OPML
River of Gods (ISBN:0743256700) by Ian Mcdonald, has got a thumbs up from SciFi Blog Big Dumb Object and Cory. It’s going on the WishList to read. Note that it’s available in Canada and the U.K. but not the USA? Continue reading River of Gods, techno-Hinduism
As might have been guessed from my lack of posting last week, ET and I were away last week skiing at Panorama British Columbia, about 2 hours west of Banff. The flight out was interesting, the Skiing was good, although Continue reading Panorama BC, 2005